Local Non-Profit Reaches out to Cat Owners
Fort Wayne, Ind. (www.incnow.tv) - A local non-profit organization is reaching out to pet owners in the 46774 zip code as part of "Neuter Haven".
View ArticleStaying Warm Through the Weekend
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (www.incnow.tv) - Warmer temperatures are sticking around for the next several days, but we won't be seeing much sunshine. A stray shower can't be ruled out on Sunday, but a better...
View ArticleFire Blazes Exterior, Porch Area of House
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (www.incnow.tv) - Flames scorched the exterior of a house on 612 W. Fourth Street around 1:15 a.m. Sunday morning.
View ArticleSix Teens Injured in Muncie Crash
Muncie, Ind. (www.incnow.tv) - Six teenagers are injured, one critically, after a late night crash in Muncie.
View ArticleCar Stolen After Driver Has Gun Pointed at Him
Fort Wayne, Ind. (www.incnow.tv) - Fort Wayne police are searching for two men who stole a car after pointing a gun at the driver.
View ArticleIllinois Diplomat Among Americans Killed (VIDEO)
CHICAGO, Ill. (www.incnow.tv) - An Illinois diplomat was identified as one of five Americans killed in Southern Afghanistan.
View ArticleNorth Korea Nuke Test (VIDEO)
KOREA (www.incnow.tv) - Overseas, the U.S. is bracing for another missile test by North Korea any day, as the situation remains tense on the Korean Peninsula.
View ArticlePolice Investigate Afternoon Shooting Incident
Fort Wayne, Ind. (www.incnow.tv) - Police are investigating after multiple shots were fired on the city's south side this afternoon.
View ArticleNew Study: Meat & Energy Drink Compound May Clog Arteries
UNITED STATES (www.incnow.tv) - A compound in meat and energy drinks may clog your arteries.
View ArticleAmmunition in Demand (VIDEO)
UNITED STATES (www.incnow.tv) - Talk of tougher gun laws creates a run on ammo.
View ArticleEarly Morning Huntington House Fire (VIDEO & PHOTO)
HUNTINGTON, Ind. (www.incnow.tv) - Huntington firefighters battled an intense fire Monday morning.
View ArticleIndiana Lawmakers To Discuss Financial Impact Of Arming School Employees
Lawmakers in Indiana are considering a proposal that would require an employee armed with a loaded gun to be in all public and charter school during school hours.
View ArticleAbuse Victim Helps "Light the Way" for Abuse Prevention
COLUMBIA CITY, Ind. (www.incnow.tv) – Nine out of ten boys who grow up in an abusive home are twice as likely to become abusive—that from an author who's lived through child abuse and domestic...
View ArticleFire Department Doesn’t Get Engine To House Fire (VIDEO)
ST. JOSEPH TOWNSHIP, Ind. (www.incnow.tv) - A home is destroyed and some are questioning why the local department couldn't get there in time with a fire truck.
View ArticleSteuben County Meth Bust (PHOTO &VIDEO)
STEUBEN COUNTY (www.incnow.tv) - A major drug bust in Steuben County Monday.
View ArticleVandals Strike Georgetown Little League (VIDEO & PHOTOS)
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (www.incnow.tv) -- The volunteers who run the Georgetown Little League are crying foul after vandals caused thousands of dollars in damage.
View ArticleLIVE: Vera Bradley Outlet Sale Opens To The Public Tuesday (VIDEO & PHOTOS)
Tens of thousands of people are expected in Fort Wayne this week for the Vera Bradley Outlet Sale.
View Article2 Bound By Armed Home Invaders Demanding "Bank Keys" (VIDEO & PHOTOS)
On Monday at approximately 9:00 p.m. the Fort Wayne Police Department responded to the 5500 block of McClellan Street in response to a report of an attempted robbery.
View ArticleNo Criminal Charges To Be Filed: Van Rear-Ended A Buggy, Killing 3 (VIDEO)
On Friday, Apr. 5, 2013, an Adams County Circuit Court Grand Jury determined that no criminal charges would be filed as a result of an Apr. 17, 2012, accident involving a van and horse drawn vehicle...
View ArticleArrest Made In Reed St. Shooting Death (VIDEO)
Police have arrested Ronald Williams, 26, in connection with the shooting death of Mark B. Young, 25, which occurred on Mar. 15.
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